Q: 甚麼是室內空氣質素?
A: 室內空氣質素(IAQ)是建築物內部和周圍的空氣質素,與建築物內的人士舒適度及健康有關及影響。
Q: 甚麼會影響室內空氣質素?
A: 空氣污染物和熱舒適度會影響室內空氣質素。
Q: 室內常見的空氣污染物是什麼?
A: 室內常見的空氣污染物 :
燃燒氣體 (一氧化碳 (CO)、二氧化氮 (NO2))
揮發性有機化合物 (TVOC)
甲醛 (HCHO)
氡氣 (Rn)
二氧化碳 (CO2)
懸浮粒子 (RSP/ PM10)
臭氧 (O3)
生物污染物 (細菌、真菌、黴菌、病毒、塵蟎等)
Q: 惡劣的室內空氣質素對我們有什麼影響?
A: 惡劣的室內空氣質素可導致身體不適,健康欠佳 (如頭痛、眼睛痕癢、呼吸困難、皮膚過敏、疲勞和嘔吐等)
Q: 我們如何改善家居或辦公室的室內空氣質素?
A: 改善家居的室內空氣質素 :
1. 窗戶應經常打開,保持室內空氣流通
2. 定期清洗冷氣機的隔塵網
3. 禁止室內吸煙
4. 一旦發現霉菌,應立即清除
5. 減少使用含有害有機化合物的油漆及家具和避免使用地毯
6. 選用合適和節能的爐具、抽油煙機及抽氣扇,以減少懸浮粒子產生
Q: How do air pollutants enter a home/office?
A: There are many possible sources of air pollutants in homes. Following are some common sources/causes :
Renovation work
Burning of fuels in gas stoves and ovens
Building and furnishing materials
New pressed-wood furniture
Using consumer products containing volatile organic compounds, such as cosmetics, fragrance products, cleaning agents and pesticides
Dry-cleaned clothing
Damp environment causing mould growth
Poor housekeeping or inadequate cleaning
Poor ventilation causing accumulation of biological contaminations and other air pollutants
Q: How can we improve the IAQ in our home or office?
A: To Improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in our home or office :
Open the windows often to increase ventilation, if air-conditioners are used, maintain good ventilation with sufficient fresh air supply.
Clean regularly the ventilation system including air filter and ducting, and maintain the system in good working condition at all times.
Quit smoking at home and establish a “non-smoking” policy.
Keep your premises clean and dry, including vacuuming regularly, cleaning up mould and fixing water leakage/seepage and flooding promptly.
Dispose of perishable food products properly to avoid generating unpleasant odour.
Avoid unnecessary partitioning of the premises.
Select products with no or low volatile organic compounds.
Move in new furniture only when it has been “aired-out” adequately.
Provide local exhaust to polluting activities such as heating and cooking, redecoration activities, photocopying, and smoking as far as possible.